Origin of rung Culture, is still very unclear to me. I believe it's a topic on which many rungs are confused. Why our forefathers made their homes at such beautiful but equally harsh places? From where they moved to these places? Why we are called 'Rungs'? Why our culture has colors of both Rajput and Buddhist cultures? From where we got our language or dialect 'Runglo'?I am not sure if there are any concrete answers for these questions as there is no documented history avaialble. Many folklores are around but nothing concrete or provable. Writers from outside looked at us with fascination but the data is mostly based on their experiences and does not dwell on the real things. Here's a piece which put some light on the origin of rung culture.
Chaudas or Bungba is considered to be the originating place for the Rung Culture. As per the undocumented history when the forefathers were forced to migrate towards the north from their original place of inhabitance, they had first established their permanent residance here in a place called 'Thilthin'. This permanent settlement was latter shifted to 'Bungba' which is now called 'Rung-Thijya'. Here they constructed their permanent houses and started the cultivation. The small village under went constant expansion to it present 'Chaudas' which consists of total of fourteen villages. The word 'Bungba' which is the combination of two words 'Bung' meaning place and 'ba' meaning father that is place of father. The expansion to fourteen 'Bungba' in due course has been termed as "Chepi Bungba" (chepi means fourteen) or "Chepi Sae" that is fourteen lpaces for forefathers or "Fourteen Forefathers" of whom we worship today. The origin of the word 'Chaudas' is also from 'fourteen' 'ashrams'
Credits : Deen Bandhu Singh Gunjyal
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